Souls Who Live to Dance

Do you have a calling to dance your way thru life? I mean literally moving, turning, leaping, dancing? Does it feel more natural than walking at times? As soon as you hear music, do you wanna move without thinking? Do you feel most present, alive and connected emotionally when you’re expressing yourself thru movement? I do too.

“To watch us dance is to hear our hearts speak” - Hopi Saying

People ask me when I became a dancer? I can’t seem to answer that question with a specific moment because I don’t remember ever NOT being a dancer. I started taking dance classes when I was 3 years old because I already had a natural affinity for dance at that age. I know I came here to DANCE.

“There is vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening, that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.” - Martha Graham


My first ballet teacher, Ms Hildegard Hamme, called me “Peanut” because I was the littlest girl in the class and even though I was a sensitive shy little girl, my spirit lit up in dance class. I see videos of myself dancing at age 3 dressed in a baggy leotard (because everything was too big on my tiny body), running around in circles with a big smile on my face trying to keep up with the older girls. I wasn’t actually doing any of the choreography but my SOUL was DANCING.

I’ve always felt like DANCE chose me… That my spirit came into this human experience to dance and create and inspire others thru dance. I love dancers, dancers are a different breed.

“Dancers are The Athletes of God.” - Albert Einstein

This quote from Albert Einstein is well known in the dance community to describe the blend of athleticism and spirituality that dancers possess. There isn’t anything that compares to being a dancer in that WE ourselves are the instrument. Dancers have an athlete’s physical training… agility, stamina and strength… yet dancers also have artistry, emotion in motion and tell stories with their physicality. That’s what we DO.

We are the art in itself.

Dancers are free spirited, they are the most fun and multi-talented people I know! It’s true that many member of the dance community have become my “tribe”. They are the most brave, beautiful and talented people I’ve ever met. I believe dancers see, feel and move thru the world differently. That is why I believe that it’s crucial to discover and recover your creative self again and again. This is especially true in the entertainment business.

Come with me to celebrate, empower and nourish your DANCE SOUL.

Dance is the hidden language of the SOUL. - Martha Graham

Dance SoulLindsley Allen